Breaking Down Barriers to Care

The Institute of Healthcare Improvement’s triple aim – designed to push quality initiatives while simultaneously fostering marketplace efficiencies – has rippled across the healthcare continuum.

Advancement simply for the sake of change is not enough; it must enhance healthcare in some way. Improvements must be quantifiable, as well as qualifiable. Care must be coordinated. Every clinician must manage greater risk as patients present with multiple comorbidities.

And each piece of technology must break down conventional barriers—cutting across specialties and care areas and exposing the vital connections between brain and body, while delivering a more complete picture of a patient’s condition.

Only Nihon Kohden offers completed integrated multi-modality products that serve patients across all care areas. As experts in the specialties of neurology, patient monitoring, cardiology and pulmonology, we bring clinical solutions that provide access to a deeper, more comprehensive level of information, enabling more accurate diagnoses, ventilator support, and ultimately, better outcomes.

Technology Designed for Every Situation

Nihon Kohden’s premium-as-standard philosophy is the belief that every piece of equipment should be fully appointed with all features – both standard and premium – unlocked and ready to use at a moment’s notice. This ensures that our technology can be employed in the broadest range of acuity levels and seamlessly transition between care areas as patient need dictates.