
Transport Monitor

During transport, it is important to maintain a high standard of care regardless of the patient’s acuity level or location. Setting a new standard in transport monitoring, Nihon Kohden’s model BSM-1700 can be used as both a stand-alone transport device, or as part of an enterprise monitoring system.

When connected to a Nihon Kohden bedside monitor, the BSM-1700 acts as both an input device and as a transport monitor. When you are ready to transport your patient simply disconnect the BSM-1700 from the host bedside monitor and your patient can be transported with full monitoring capabilities. When the patient arrives at their new care setting and the BSM-1700 is reconnected to a host monitor, patient information, including full disclosure, arrhythmia recall files, tabular and graphics trends and ST data is automatically uploaded to our enterprise monitoring system creating one seamless patient record.